Team Building With Impact

Corporate events are our jam

Experiential learning

“Learning is the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience” – David Kolb

Our experiential learning approach follows four transformative steps:

1. Experiencing hands-on, high-impact challenges,
2. Reflecting on actions and outcomes,
3. Learning valuable insights from these reflections, and
4. Applying those lessons to real-world leadership.

This process ensures skills are deeply ingrained, enhancing leadership effectiveness and driving measurable results in your organization.

Discover training that moves beyond theory and into meaningful, lasting change.

n today’s marketplace, buyers are informed, selective, and frustrated by traditional sales. They seek genuine value, tailored solutions, clear differentiation, and engagement that addresses their deeper business needs – they expect solutions that are tailored to these needs.

Promises Promises

Remove Silos for Teamwork & Trust

As newly elected politicians representing one of 10 countries, participants must fulfill the promises they made to their constituents, no matter how outrageous! Operating in an environment of scandal, intrigue, and politics, participants grapple with the needs of their constituents and neighboring countries and wade through cultural barriers, lack of trust and poor communication to meet their goals. Alliances are made, abandoned and reformed but before the end of the five-year term, all countries become a truly United League of Nations.

In forcing people to deal with the pressures and obstacles of interdependent teams, Promises, Promises!™ will powerfully demonstrate to the participants the strong relationship between quality communication and quality results. To meet their goals and become a United League of Nations, all teams must get the right resources to the right people according to their needs and deadlines.

In-Person Experience
3-4 Hours

Key Learnings

  • Promote a common team vision
  • Discover the intangible resources that are key to moving tangible resources
  • Understand how individual performance impacts goals and results
  • Understand how behaviors and mindsets impact the culture
  • Foster more effective communication
  • Understand how to build a team of teams

Are you in need of a fun and impactful Team Building activity? Contact us Today


Deliver Results With Integrity

The scene is set in the Scottish Highlands, 25 years after the clans last met. Expectations are high as the clans must negotiate and collaborate to secure what they need. They aim for excellent economic results while passing the SHUMAS test, embodying the shared values of the clans. It’s not either-or – it’s both.

Excelleron challenges participants to excel in a dynamic and competitive environment. They experience the value of timely information sharing, building positive relationships, and creating references, forming the foundation for achieving excellent results in both the activity and real-life business.

Success demands strong empathy, collaboration, communication, and insight into the perspective of the negotiation partner, who might represent a key customer or a colleague in everyday business.

In-Person Experience
3-4 Hours

Key Learnings

  • Manage for productivity through change or uncertainty
  • Understand that perceptions outweigh intentions
  • Discover personal habits, approaches and styles that block productivity
  • Master the challenge of building quality relationships, while obtaining quality results
  • Acquire and apply information to ensure maximum productivity
  • Create a vision for individual and corporate excellence

Are you in need of a fun and impactful Team Building activity? Contact us today

Gold of The Dessert King

Planning & Productivity

In Gold of the Desert Kings, all teams face identical challenges. They are forced to be as productive as possible with their limited time and resources. They encounter sandstorms, superheat and the Tomb of Kings. Eighty percent of the teams that begin the journey finish it — while the others perish in the desert.

Gold of the Desert Kings addresses the issue of effort versus productivity. Participants are placed in circumstances with limited time and resources and must rely on their team to achieve their goals.

The pressures and anxiety experienced in Gold of the Desert Kings are similar to those experienced daily in a hectic work schedule. Participants contend with deadlines, a perceived lack of resources, others’ point of view and the pressure to just do something while trying to accomplish team objectives.

In-Person Experience
3-4 Hours

Key Learnings

  • Discover how productivity-driven behavior begins with the end in mind
  • Learn the value of obtaining, evaluating and applying information
  • Determine the power of effective planning and generate the conviction to do it
  • Understand how to work smarter, not harder
  • Realize the impact of asking, “What’s Possible?”
  • Control the effect of environmental pressures
  • Distinguish between results and activity

Are you in need of a fun and impactful Team Building activity? Contact us today

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