
Coaching is a concept within development. The past years it has been based in methods taken from the world of sport and has then been developed for using both in our professional as well as our personal lives.

Where coaching in sport aims to create winners, coaching in our professional life focuses on identifying goals and creating results.

It takes strength, action and competence to be a good manager, but being a good coach requires the ability to build trust. Coaching is developing and expanding your own and other people's resources through observation and feedback. To reflect and motivate your co-workers to do their best.


  • You as a coach living up to your role as a manager and being able to use the tools required to also be a coach
  • That you understand how to motivate your co-workers to achieve excellent results in everyday life
  • Creating the opportunity to continue coaching in-house
  • You being able to coach your co-workers "one-on-one"
  • Increasing competency and co-worker commitment
  • What is coaching, and what does it require from the individual coach?
  • How do you encourage a person to find solutions for themselves?
  • Helping a person seeing themselves from another perspective
  • Teaching others to learn rather than teaching them
  • Helping others to continuously challenge their own paradigms and their own limitations, and to identify new possibilities on their own
  • Unlocking a person's potential to maximise their own performance


  • Ensuring efficient communication so that you avoid/reduce misunderstanding
  • Focusing on opportunities instead of problems
  • Creating increased trust and respect in your co-workers
  • Developing your own training card through awareness of the own performance pattern
  • Helping others to continuously challenge their own paradigms and their own limitations, and to identify new possibilities on their own